Wednesday, August 4, 2010

WEEK 3: RSS Reflections

  1. What did you learn? WOW! Considering that I didn't know what RSS was, I feel like I have a great understanding of it now! I loved the videos that were given to us to watch because I have to hear, watch and do in order to really "catch" what needs to be done.
  2. How will you use what you have learned? I will use it to follow a lot of different blogs that I check constantly as well as search for educational ones too. Already I have found a couple that I know I will be using information from in the classroom!
  3. How did you feel about this tool? It is extremely useful AND not scary at all! I hope to be able to reach out to my parents through updates and hopefully they will follow me on my blog and get updates about things in the classroom quickly.
  4. What do you not want to forget about this tool? I want to remember to check it often so that I can use it as a time saver.
  5. How can this be used in the classroom or in your educational role? Already I feel as if it can be used to share and gather ideas for the classroom.
  6. Should you use this in the classroom or your educational role? I would like to encourage my students to blog and be able to follow them on their blog.
  7. What questions do you still have about this tool? At this time none, but I'm sure I will come up with some as my use progresses!

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