Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Basic Blogging Week 2 Reflection

1. What did you learn?
I would have to say everything! I had no idea how to start a blog, much less even begin to think about using one in the classroom. Now, I can't wait to get my students started with responses to various topics!

2. How will you use what you have learned?
I will be using my blog for book group responses as well as various question/research response forums.

3. How did you feel about starting a blog?
I was incredibly anxious about starting and am still uncomfortable with diving into next weeks assignment. Thus, the reason I have procrastinated in getting this done.

4. What is one of the focuses you want to remember when you update your blog?
I want it to remain very simple to navigate since I will be reaching out to students of varying computer (and I imagine blogging) knowledge.

5. How can this be used in the classroom or your educational role?
I am still trying to solidify exactly what my responses will look like with my students. I have some idea, but nothing definite.

6. Should you use this in the classroom or your educational role?
Absolutely! I think that blogging can be a very powerful tool in the classroom!

7. What questions do you still have about blogging?
I question myself on the ability to continue blogging although I truly want to. I am also still questioning the best way to implement this in the classroom!

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